My senior capstone project for my major of ski resort management at Sierra Nevada College was to build a virtual ski resort on google earth that has at least a 10,000 person capacity (Think Northstar sized) and fits in a budget of 110 million dollars In addition to chairlifts and trails, my partner and I had to plan out the base area, all the buildings, parking lots, machinery to buy, snowmaking, tree clearing, and all those other details an average guest might not think about. It was a pretty fun but difficult project and I am proud to see it all come together, especially the fold-up brochure map I designed to look like a real ski resort's. Here is our executive summary that I wrote: "We are a diverse ski area with great learning facilities and beginner runs, a killer terrain park, plenty of blue groomers, and chutes and cliffs for those who want it. Located 4.5 hours from the bay and almost due east of San Francisco, we are a weekend and destination resort. 2 miles off Alpine Highway 4, it is a perfect, remote getaway from the traffic and crowds. Fly into Reno and make an easy 1.5 hour zip down Highway 395, avoiding the buzz and touristy-ness of South Lake Tahoe or the traffic of North Lake Tahoe. With 6 high speed lifts, 3 quad chairs, and a gnarly tow rope on the far side of the hill, Tryon Peak boasts a base elevation 1,500 feet higher than most in the Tahoe basin, a peak elevation 0f 10,825’, and a mid-mountain lodge 300 feet higher than the peak of Northstar. Averaging about 470 inches of annual snowfall and joining the 700” club in the 2016-17 season, Tryon Peak is up there with some of the snowiest places in the West. Even on the lean years you can expect our reservoir-backed snowmaking system to deliver 5 chairs, ranging from green circles to black diamonds. From wide-open powder bowls, to tight trees, to steep chutes and hot laps through our endless park we are sure you will find something to love about Tryon Peak. We have five zones for a skier to choose from. You can cruise green runs or lap the park on Lower Mountain, or hop on the steeps chair for a challenge right from the get-go. If you want a quick getaway to some wide-open faces and steep chutes, go right from the base area to the 10,825-foot top of our Highland’s zone via Highland’s Access Express. For some awesome trees and backcountry-esque lines, check out the backside, which tops out at 10,101’. The west side, accessible via Tryon Peak Chair, is another great zone featuring Intermediate and Advanced groomed runs. Finally, sitting above Noble Lake, featuring everything from blue groomers to narrow chutes, the Upper Mountain is another great place to have the time of your life. Our groomed runs total 411 acres, which are groomed every night by our 12 cats. In addition, we have 77 acres of designated double black terrain, including chutes, cliffs, and steep alpine bowls. When you get into the centralized base area you will be able to choose from one of four chairlifts to start your day on, five if you include the Magic Carpet. Within minutes you can be out of the shuttle and up in the midst of paradise. While you’re in the main base lodge, book a lesson with one of our PSIA-AASI certified instructors, drop off your kid in Ski School, rent some skis, or swing by our retail store to get that one thing you forgot (I’m sure we’ll have it). We have three gourmet restaurants to choose from to enjoy a treat away from home. Trough Valley Restaurant is conveniently located at the main base area. 8,900’ Grille is our mid-mountain lodge located by Noble Lake, where you can take a break from ripping it through the upper mountain. Finally, stashed away at the bottom of the backside, featuring plenty of outdoor seating, check out hidden lodge at the bottom of Koney Express to truly feel you are in the midst of Mother Nature. Enjoy views of Bull Lake and the famous 10,101 foot Binary Peak. So what are you waiting for? Come try us on, you might just stay." Would you ski here?
Closing Day at Northstar was a blast. I try out freestyle rapping too! Check it out. |